Chroma Prime Custom, Artisan Body Soap, Body Lotion, Aftershave Balm and Body Powder
Chroma Prime Artisan Body Soap, Hand & Body Solid Lotion Balm, Aftershave
Balm and Body Powder. The scent is very manly and refreshing. Notes of
Bergamot, Lavender, Apple, Pepper, Green Foliage, Spearmint, Amber, Vanilla and
Cedarwood blend seamlessly. Chroma Prime exudes masculine confidence and
strength without being arrogant. Bold, yet sexy and refined, Chroma Prime is
perfect for any occasion or season. Equally suited for the office or gym, the
casual night out or a formal affair. The fragrance is for any man who wants to stand
out and smell fantastic.
Ginger's Garden Soaps and Lotions
Labels: aftershavebalm, artisanbodycare, artisanlotion, artisanskincare, artisansoap, bathsoap, bodybalm, bodypowder, bodysoap, botanicalbalm, Chromaprime, handcraftedsoap, moisturizinglotion, showersoap, soothingbalm