Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Custom scented Love Rocks type Artisan Body Powder


Custom scented Love Rocks type Artisan Body Powder is soothing on the skin after a bath or shower. Use before going out on a hot sticky day to help keep you cooler. Leaves your skin feeling soft and silky and helps prevent chafing. Love Rocks Body Powder contains no talc and is a good alternative to commercially made body powders.

Artisan Body Powder

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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Love Rocks type Custom, Artisan Body Spray for Women


Custom Body Spray scented with a Love Rocks type fragrance. It has notes of Raspberry, Peony, Bergamot, Plum, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Amber, Vanilla, Musk and Violet. I have many other fragrances and essential oils. Valentine’s Day is coming up.

Custom Artisan Body Spray

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