Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Natural Lavender Wet Shaving Soap, Artisan Aftershave, Aftershave Balm


Pure, Natural Lavender Oil is the best! This is a custom Wet Shaving Soap, Aftershave and Balm, all scented with essential oil Of Lavender. The shave soap will give you stable, long lasting lather. Aftershave soothes and cools the skin. Aftershave Balm conditions and moisturizes. Get a great shave with Ginger’s Garden. I can use many other scents that I have.

Custom Wet Shaving Soap

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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Natural Lavender Artisan Aftershave


Natural Lavender Aftershave contains aloe vera, witch hazel and a touch of menthol for cooling. The formula contains natural glycerin, which makes the splash a little thicker, but also easier to use. Choose your scent from the Scent List, then write me a note in the comments section of the shopping cart.

Natural Artisan Aftershave

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