Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Save 10% with Ginger’s Garden Soaps


Now till the end of January, save 10% off with Ginger’s Garden. Use code Labor10 at checkout. This includes all shaving soaps, aftershaves, balms, cologne and bath/body soaps. Good until January 31, 20024.

Ginger's Garden Soaps

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Friday, December 29, 2023

Happy Shaving from Ginger’s Garden Soaps


Happy New Year and happy shaving from Ginger’s Garden Soaps. As this year is coming to a close, I would like to thank everyone that has supported Ginger’s Garden Soaps this year and years in the past. I have a wide variety of scents and ingredients, so you can choose the soap that best suits your skin type and personal preferences. All of Ginger's Garden Soaps are made by hand in small batches, which allows for better quality control and attention to detail.

Ginger's Garden Soaps

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